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Immersion in Cold Water (CWI)

Cold Water Immersion (CWI) is a type of cold water treatment that helps the human body’s natural healing process. Taking ice baths or icy showers is a popular form of Cold Water Immersion. Cold water immersion is an excellent technique to stimulate the body’s inherent healing qualities and enable it to alleviate symptoms of a…

A Complete Guide to Cold Plunges

It’s been nearly ten years since my first ice bath. When I was in college, our coach made us take ice baths after practices in the weeks leading up to our major races. We’d sit in these tubs for 5 minutes at a time, up to our necks in near-freezing water. And I’d be terrified…

6 Surprising Advantages of Cold Water Therapy for Fat Loss, Detoxification, and Recovery

A lot has been written recently about the benefits of cold-water treatment for fat reduction, detoxification, and rehabilitation. “Cryotherapy,” or cold-water immersion, cold showers, cold gel packs, and the cold water Detox Bath (based on Louis Kuhne’s friction sitz bath), are popular among athletes and health-conscious individuals, but can help almost anybody. Regular cold-water immersion…

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